- Competition is not anonymous and it is public.
- Contestantss compete in the alphabetic order.
- Order of contestants is announced in the foyer of the concert hall at the informational board.
- Contestants have to follow the schedule of their categories and be ready at the warm up room no later than previous competitor´s performance.
- Contestant should present the notes of competition repertoire to jury.
- Contestant performs with own accompanist, or with an accompanist provided by organizer according to request required in application.
- Contestant requesting for organizer accompanist, take part at the rehearsal with the accompanist a day before the first round of the competition.
- Contestants in categories IA, IB, IC, can transpose compositions, it is not necessary to sing in the original language version.
- Contestants in categories IIA, IIB can transpose compositions, it is necessary to sing in the original language version.
- Contestants in categories IIIA, IIIB, IVA, IVB can not transpose compositions and it is necessary to sing in the original language version.
- Compositions in rounds could not be repeated.
- Order of compositions depends on contestant.