
At the same time as sending the application, it is necessary to pay the registration fee (only contestants pay). In order to identify the payment, it is necessary to enter the contestant's name, surname and category. If the competition organizer provides a rehearser for the contestant the fee is paid at the same time as the registration fee, and the sheet music must be sent to the announcer's address no later than March 18, 2024.

Registration fees:
categories IA, IB, IC: €20
categories IIA, IIB: €40
categories IIIA, IIIB Song: €50
categories IIIA, IIIB Opera: €70
categories IVA, IVB Opera: €70

Rehearser fees:

categories IA, IB, IC €15
other categories €50

Send your application form to an address : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please, do not scan the application forms and do not send them by post – they will be not accepted!

Please, pay the registration fee and also the fee for accompanist (if you request to ensure official accompanist) together with the application form and send the musical score.

Insert first name, surname of contestant and the category in note for a receiver because of identification of payment.

Deadline for application forms: 18th of March, 2024